Saturday, March 13, 2010

Prehistoric Boogers

I remember promising to share this with you before, but never got a chance too. Instead, I'm posting it here.

What did man do before the invention of disposable tissues? Certainly, there were cloth handkerchiefs for a time, but even that could pose a problem: would a person really want to carry around a booger infested cloth for any length of time? What if they had a sinus infection? That doesn't sound very appealing. What did the caveman do to dispose of his snot? I suppose he could have picked his nose, but that doesn't really work for a sinus infection. He could have let it hang there, but I can only imagine that the cavewoman would promptly direct him outside of the cave... So what does the caveman do? He could wipe it on a saber tooth tiger, but that's a little dangerous. He could use a stick, but that might hurt. He could use a leaf, but what if it was poisionous?

What did early caveman use for a tissue? Perhaps we may never know.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ever heard of a snot rocket? i'm sure our prehistoric friends were ... this one is great ;)


  3. Best.Title.Ever! It should be a band name.
