Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Person in a Place in a World

I've always been a fan of authors like Robert Munch and Dr.Seuss and Shel Silverstein. When I was a kid and only just learning how to read, it was those authors, among others, that really taught me the beauty of words. They also taught me how to look at the world; they taught me how to keep my head up, my eyes open, and to always look at what's around me. And so, I wanted to try and do that myself. I wanted to try to teach a lesson. Here's my attempt at a children's story.

The Person in a Place in a World

Once there was a person. And the person lived in a place. And the place existed in
a world.

And the person was a curious person. And the place was a curious place. And the world was a curious world.

Since the person was curious, he wanted to know. And since the place was curious, and the world was curious, they wanted to know. And so the curious world asked the curious place,

“Where is that curious person going?”

And the curious place didn’t know. And so the curious place asked the curious person,

“Where are you going?”

And the curious person didn’t know. And so the curious person asked its self,

“Where am I going?”

And since the curious person didn’t know, he went.

The curious person went into the curious place that existed in the curious world until a thing came across the path.

And this thing was a curious thing that met a curious person that lived in a curious place that existed in a curious world. And since the thing was curious, it asked the person,

“Where are you going?”

And the curious person answered,

“I don’t know. Would like you to join me?”

And the curious thing answered,


And then the curious thing and the curious person went into the curious place in the curious world until they came across a hard-thing.

And this hard-thing was a not a curious hard-thing, but still it asked the curious thing and the curious person,

“What are you doing?”

And the curious thing and the curious person answered,

“We’re going.”

“Going where?”

“Well, we don’t know.”

“Then why are you going?”

“Well, just to go.”

“And why?”

“Well, we suppose it’s because we wouldn’t be doing anything else otherwise.”

And the curious thing and the curious person went some more into the curious place that existed in the curious world while the hard-thing just stayed and was not curious.

Eventually, they came to know where they were going.

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