Saturday, March 13, 2010

"The Shadow" pages 5-6

"Yep," I answered.

He mustn't have heard me, because he asked again, "Eva?"

This time I spoke up clearly, "Yes, I'm here."

I was sure he must have heard me that time, because I was much louder. Yet, right afterwards, he asked the class: "Does anyone know where Eva is today?"

There were a few mild shrugs around the room, and some people looked towards my desk. Everyone just looked past me, though. It was as if they couldn't see me.

I was just about to yell out to catch his attention, when suddenly a voice rose from the other side of the class.

"What are you talking about? Eva's right there; she's sitting in her desk."

The person who had spoken up was Brian. He's a friend of mine, but I don't really see him too often. Nobody knows much about him; he's kind of mysterious. I guess that seems to annoy people, for some reason. As a result, many of my classmates turn against him, but I don't know why. He's a good person, but sometimes others are just too blind to see it.

I breathed a sigh of relief to know that not everyone was ignoring me. At least now I knew I wasn't invisible, or something crazy like that.

The funny thing was, the moment he said that, everyone turned and gave hime a strange look, as though he'd just said something really weird. Mr. Briggs cast him a stern gaze.

"Brian," he began, "Do you think you're being amusing? Do you find it funny to pretend that someone is there, who really isn't?"

Pausing to smirk, he continued, "I'm sorry, but your humor rahter escapes me. Perhaps you'd like to discover it with the good people at the office?"

I opened my mouth in protest. Mr. Briggs was being so unfair! I was obviously sitting right there, so why was he saying those things? What did Brian do to deserve that?

Brian looked at Mr. Briggs strangely.

"But she's right there..." answered Brian slowly.

"Brian, I will not tolerate your talking bck to me. Go to the office," Mr. Briggs responded angrily.


"NOW!" exclaimed the furious teacher.

Looking up in disgust, Brian shook his head. However, he took up his books, and walked out of the room in compliance. A few scattered laughs could be heard around the class as he stepped out the door.

The whole thing shocked me. What was going on here?

With a determined look on my face, I spoke out to Mr. Briggs.

"Then I'm going too!" I announced.

No response.

"Whatever," I thought, annoyed with him. I got up from my desk and strode out of the class.


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