Monday, March 8, 2010

bursting the blog-cherry

Behold! the first blog entry for winter semester Advanced Writing 2207. I was intending on reading this on Wednesday and perhaps i still will, anyways hopefully this post will get the ball rolling and more writers will creep from their literary lairs. It is entitled :

Ode to a Korean Figure Skater

I watched a Korean figure skater today. She was beautiful. But she was more than that, she was liquid fire. She was the powerful feminine. She was black and yellow, free verse and English pentameter. This girl glided across the ice and put me to sleep so I could dream; things sensuous and thrilling, luscious and gorgeous, subtle and flamboyant, simple yet majestic. Ohh Korean figure skater; I know not your name, and I am happy not to know. Your mysterious smile and mischievous shimmy will happily haunt my consciousness for days, weeks. I’ll let you steep in my medulla and dance on my oblongata. You’ll slip down my spine and play patty-cake with my perineum. Korean figure skater, with your fiery tiger eyes and wispy curls that cradle those delicate ears, you can take over the world. With your strong, stunning legs you could skate to the north pole and convince the ice not to melt so you can charm the polar bears into vegetarianism with your grace. You could melt the heart of the crazed despot that resides just north of your brilliant land and unify your countries fractured soul. You could convince the misguided taliban that the female form should be celebrated and respected and that those bastard burkha’s are a betrayal of beauty at a disgusting scale. Oh Korean figure skater, with the eyes of a dragon and a form so fine, won’t you be my valentine?

Hope you enjoyed, i wrote it after seeing Yu-Na Kim's short program in the olympics, 2 1/2 minutes later and i was in love.



  1. Nice job, Alex. Your writing dances across the page as the figure skater would across the ice. You've captured the dance with vivid imagery and a descriptive tone. Keep writing!


  2. Great job! I especially love the line " I’ll let you steep in my medulla and dance on my oblongata."

    Kinda sexy and definitely weird. In a great way of course
